Can you spray in public areas? Yes, no or maybe; depending on license

James Kimmingsin Weed Control

A social media user recently asked about whether, anyone unlicensed to do so, can spray weedkiller in a public place? We wanted to find out more… 

Someone suggested how the rules have changed in recent years: “There used to be “grandad rights” but that is now not an option.There’s a whole load of paperwork (COSHH) as well as applying the products.

Application rates, groundspeed, wind speed all come into it, as well as correct handling & storage, as well as equipment condition servicing & correct PPE” 

Another went on to say: “'Someone saying otherwise' is 100% wrong! You can buy products off the shelf to spray on your own property - even then you can be prosecuted for their misuse or for disposing of them incorrectly. On public property or private grounds that are accessed by the public - sports fields for instance - or gardens open to the public - absolutely no one is allowed to use pesticides unless licenced to do so or under the direct guidance of a licence holder. I don't believe insurance is actually compulsory but the potential fines for accidents and the cost of a clean up can be astronomical” 

One user spoke of an example he had come across at work: “I had this argument, when I took over the running of a school. They had been applying domestic products, bought from the local garden centre. It's not the material particularly, but the situation. If you're doing it and you are employed to do it PA 1 + are required. You can apply as part of gaining experience, but you must be under the direct and immediate control of a qualified person.” 

One summarised the legal points: “The PA1 safe handling and application of pesticides is the first unit that you need to complete to start your spraying journey. PA6 is a minimum requirement for legally spraying in a professional capacity or a public place. Heavy fines and even a custodial sentence can be incurred for unlicensed pesticide application.”

If you have the correct license then you can get your weed killer from the Pitchcare Shop here