Campey focuses on Universe Finesse at BTME

Charmian Robsonin Machinery & Mechanics

Campey Turf Care Systems will be at BTME 2016 in Harrogate and showcasing the very best machines for renovating and maintaining natural turf sports pitches. This includes the renowned Koro by Imants Field TopMaker with Universe® and Terraplane® Rotors and a new range of blades called Universe® Finesse that will take fraise mowing to a new level.

Finesse at BTME 2016
Richard Campey explains the significance of the new development; "We have developed a new blade called the Universe® Finesse which will essentially let you "Universe® Finesse mow" as part of your regular maintenance programme for turf health and hygiene.

The blades can be fitted to the Universe® Rotor (which has recently been granted British patents for its unique actions) in a variety of configurations to allow the groundsman/greenkeeper to use the Koro FTM for different working practices from surface verti-cutting to deep linear aeration/scarification up to 25mm deep, whilst maintaining single pass surface hygiene.

And another new arrival is the Dakota 310 Top Dresser to add to the already impressive Dakota range. This compact and manoeuvrable dual spinner pedestrian top dresser can spread up to 6m wide with infinitely variable adjustments via the handlebar mounted controls. Its neat size makes access easier for spreading a variety of materials including sand, rubber crumb and other top dressings.

Established products from Imants such as the ShockWave and Rotoknife will sit alongside Votex and the VGR Top Changer.

Last but by no means least, is the Award-winning world class Air2G2; this has taken the industry by storm with its air injection system and is fast becoming a firm favourite for the professional groundsman.

Don't forget to pick up a copy of the new 2016 Campey Newsletter, packed with information and photos of all our top products, with the thoughts and experiences of greenkeepers and groundsmen from around the world.

For more information visit the website:

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Machinery & mechanics