CABADEX* tried and trusted

Press Releasein Industry News

Cabadex.jpgWith spring finally looking as though it is here, thoughts on getting those problems weeds in your turf under control must be a priority. If speedwell is an issue for you then you need a tried and trusted product, that offers a good return on your money and the best control you can get - CABADEX.

"The main advantage of CABADEX is its efficacy and reliability to the main problem weeds found in managed amenity turf or amenity grassland," says Mr Mark De'Ath, Operations Director for Headland Amenity. "Like all products developed by research based companies, such as Dow AgroSciences, you get more than just a product. You get a complete package including stewardship and technical support to enable you to get the best out of the product. But more importantly when you buy a brand such as CABADEX, which was launched in May 2008, you are supporting the future development of the product and its continued registration."

"The recent addition of slender speedwell on the product label is just one example of this" advises Mark. "Speedwell can be such a big problem to groundsmen, greenkeepers and lawn care operators. If Dow AgroSciences had not been able to invest in the trials to gain this additional recommendation on the label, this problem weed would have continued to be a real issue."

CABADEX, contains both florasulam and fluroxypyr, and is one of only a few selective herbicides in the UK which is safe on all newly sown, commonly occurring grass species. It is also effective at controlling yarrow, daisy, lesser trefoil and yellow suckling clover.

By entering the plant via the leaf and root system it provides more effective control of the target weed. And as CABADEX contains low rates of the active ingredients there are added advantages in reduced environmental impact, application and storage.

"With summer on its way and weeds growing fast greenkeepers, groundsmen and lawn care operators would be well advised to buy the brand that supports the future of the British turf industry. For the best results you really do want a winner like CABADEX rather than an also ran," suggests Mark.

Buy Cabadex now or read more

*Trademark of Dow AgroSciences Limited
Cabadex contains 2.5g/litre florasulam and 100g/litre fluroxypyr
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