Bernhard to showcase TurfBreeze Fans and SubAir system at NEC

Blair Fergusonin Football

TurfBreeze @ Wembley
Bernhard and Company is excited to give turf professionals the opportunity to learn more about the benefits of TurfBreeze fans and SubAir aeration and moisture removal systems at Saltex 2016, stand D097.

Kevin Crowe, senior vice president of SubAir USA, will be on the stand to answer questions about these revolutionary products that have recently been installed at the world renowned Wembley Stadium, and the prestigious PGA Championship West Golf Course at Wentworth.

TurfBreeze offers an ideal solution for turf problems resulting from the inherent poor airflow in stadia and around some golf greens. The fans support turf oxygenation and alleviate heat stress. They also help remove dew, greatly reducing the risk of fungicidal infection.

SubAir's aeration and moisture control system gets straight to the root of turf problems. SubAir has a unique ability to effectively manage moisture content whilst controlling subsurface aeration and root zone temperatures, giving users the power to create championship turf with world class playability.

Bernhard's experienced team will be on stand to explain how efficiently SubAir drains standing surface water, removes non-capillary water from the soil profile and, when required, introduces fresh air directly to the root zone.

Turf technology is at the forefront of the Bernhard philosophy, already established as the world's leading supplier of blade sharpening solutions the company will also be demonstrating the Express Dual 4000 reel grinder and Anglemaster 4000 bedknife grinder. Sharp blades are fundamental to turf health, a clean cut causes less stress to the plant and greatly reduces the risk of bacterial and fungicidal infections. To find out more visit the Bernhard team, Saltex 2016, stand D097.

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