Bayer launches new ‘Honey bee care’ brochure
Bayer have recently produced a new brochure promoting care of the honey bee and how the responsible use of pesticides plays a vital role.
Relevant to all pesticide users, including groundsmen, greenkeepers, maintenance workers and landscapers, the brochure "Honey bee care - Challenges and solutions" covers three main topics: honey bee health (pathogens, nutrition, weather); honey bee safety (regarding pesticides); and Bayer's commitment and contribution to honey bee health and safety - including Bayer's provision of Varroa mite and small hive beetle products.
Click on image right to open Brochur
Close examination of honey bee health challenges reveals a variety and combination of causes involved. Although challenges and losses have been described for centuries, bees more recently face new challenges:
- The parasitic Varroa mite, which has spread to almost all Western honey bee hives (but Australia) over the past 60 years, and which transmits viral infections
- Habitat loss, and with it, forage loss
- Iincreasingly unfavourable weather conditions
Strong linkages exist between agriculture and apiculture, so special care must be taken to use pesticides in a "bee responsible" way. Bayer's activities from research to use in the fields are also highlighted.
The brochure has been especially written for an informed target audience: interested members of the general public, policymakers, beekeepers, farmers, and other relevant stakeholders.
The brochure is available to download for free from
Claire Matthewman
Product Manager
Bayer CropScience Ltd.
Tel: 01223 226516