Barnham Broom Golf Club bring back Toro

Head greenkeeper Brian Lemmon, who has been at the club for 38 years, says when the need arose for a rough cutter he originally considered a tractor and trail gangs for the Frank Pennink-designed Valley Course and Donald Steele-designed Hill Course, 10 miles west of Norwich.
"While the tractor and trail gangs would have done the job, it would have been more time consuming than using a rough cutting machine so we decided to investigate suitable groundscare machines for the job. Along with others, Toro was invited and despite having a shed full of other machinery brands, we decided to go with the GM4000-D," he says.
And he's glad he did. "The quality build of the machine was instantly clear and it was soon obvious what a good bit of kit it was, more than able to do the job. I'm really pleased with it so far."
Toro has designed the GM4000-D to handle the most challenging cutting conditions. Its unmatched engine torque, and patented hydraulic motors that directly drive spindles on each deck, make the mower the strongest and most productive available. It tackles tough, dense grass with ease and the shallow deck design forces quicker clipping dispersal, allowing the decks to accept more grass on a faster basis. Plus, according to Brian, it's "easy to use turning tight around the trees for a close, smart cut."
Maintaining a quality finish across both courses is a priority for Brian and his greens team of seven, and they believe that will only get easier with the addition of the new Toro.
It's a belief echoed by Barnham Broom's head professional Alan Hemsley, who says the courses are very well looked after and, with the addition of the new Toro, can only get better. Alan is involved in getting new golfers to the club by offering "Get Into Golf" courses throughout the year. He also runs Girls Golf Rocks sessions and there is a successful junior academy.
With the combination of his efforts, and the highly maintained courses produced by Brian and the greenkeeping team, the club is attracting more new golfers every year.
Reesink Turfcare - 01480 226800, email, or visit