Another Front Runner

High ground clearance lets you negotiate kerbs and other obstacles and the TGX follows ground contours with its own wheels and full width rear roller. The flails are aerodynamically designed for minimum power consumption, using 'spoon' type flails to leave a better finish on the grass than the 'Y' pattern back to back flails.
What makes the TGX ideal for groundscare, local authorities, sports clubs and amenity professionals is the economy to be gained by having a machine that in one unit is equally up to the task of giving you a premium finish on the sports pitch. A 1.5m working width lets you cover the ground quickly with maximum power efficiency and minimum effort.
Full guaranteed to HSE specifications the TGX-150 has puncture-proof tyres and boasts a double skin deck for durability and strength. Designed in conjunction with Ransomes Jacobsen™ exclusively for the HR3300T™ and the HR300 the Wessex ProLine TGX-150-H is the sister machine that is quiet, smooth, fast and of course, highly manoeuvrable.
The TGX150-H is also tough, with its heavy duty thick walled rotor shaft for long life and the rear roller with replaceable end caps and spigot shafts for reduced service costs. Two front runners for all-round work from Broadwood International 01420 478111