Annual Review of Remuneration for Greenkeepers and Golf Club Managers
The Committee for Golf Club Salaries (CGCS) feels that it would be inappropriate to recommend any form of increase for 2011 to the salary scales currently in place. In reaching its decision the Committee has taken into account the general economic climate and the impact that this has had on golf clubs throughout the UK.
The CGCS recommends rates of pay as guidelines for Clubs to follow, but is mindful that at all times they remain a matter for negotiation between the individual employer and employee. The CGCS further considers that employers should make an appropriate pay award to recognise any substantial change in responsibility, qualifications or duties carried out by their employees as well as reflecting any changes to legislation governing rates of pay. Performance issues are also an important and relevant criteria in salary negotiation.
The CGCS wishes to draw to the attention of golf clubs the impending changes in pension legislation that will come into force with effect from 2012. From this date both employers and employees may have a mandatory obligation to contribute into a Personal Pension Plan or the Government's National Employment Savings Trust (NEST). Employers should begin to look into how they will be affected and what will need to be put in place in order to comply with the legislation.