Amenity Forum Conference - an important date for your diary
These are very important times for those involved in whatever way with matters concerning pest, weed and disease control in amenity situations. There is increased interest in issues such as pesticide use, alternative approaches, the spread of invasive weeds and more.
The sector also needs to deal with matters concerning implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive (set out in the National Action Plan and the Water Framework Directive. There is a need for the sector to stand together, to demonstrate its commitment to best practice and to be proud of the vital and important work undertaken.
On October 15th, the Amenity Forum is holding its annual conference at Leicester City FC, an event when leading speakers will address the key issues and a time to network and visit the adjoining exhibition area.
These are just some of the comments from previous attendees.
Duncan Jones from Hortech '' We attend the conference because it sets the tone of debate surrounding amenity herbicides and weed control strategies. As a responsible contractor we must be part of the debate and the conference gives us that opportunity''
Stephen Jacob from BASIS Registration '' The Amenity Forum Conference provides a unique opportunity to network with the key industry leaders''
Danny Hayward from JSD ''The AF conference is our sector's voice, an opportunity to tell the industry and those who are affected by what we do, where we stand on the issues, best practice, sustainable use and all other matters''
Gary Harland from Wakefield Council '' I come to the conference to keep updated on what is happening and as an opportunity to network with other people within our important sector''
For further information and to book your place, contact Due to support from our member organisations, delegate rates are being kept as low as possible at £50 per head (with discounts for early booking!)
John Moverley, Independent Forum Chairman, says ''This year, even more than previous, is a time to attend this event, not just for the quality of information and networking available, but also so we can send out a strong message of the sector commitment to best practice, the vital importance of the work undertaken and the real professionalism''
Further information on Forum matters can be obtained by contacting Alan Spedding at or accessing the website at