A Fleeting Experience
Fleet are in the midst of a number of road shows that they are promoting in co-operation with other participating companies; the first one was held at Birmingham University where 40 odd Groundsmen braved the elements ( heavy rain) to see what was on offer. Fleet brought along their trusted range of marking machines including the BeamRider.
Underbuster Ltd who are specialists in soil de-compaction techniques, were demonstrating the latest deep probe aeration equipment. Manufactured and supplied by Gwazae Ltd.
Parks and Grounds Machinery Ltd were also on hand to show a range of turf management equipment that included Dennis Mowers and John Deere Mowers.
Courtcare.uk were also there to discuss maintenance techniques for artificial surfaces.
The next road shows are to be held next week at the following venues:-
- Wednesday 25th July at Charterhouse School, Godalming Surrey GU7 2DX.
10am for 10.30am start. Participating companies: Fleet (Line Markers) Ltd. BeamRider Ltd. Turner Groundscare, Avoncrop Amenity and R & K Kensett.
- Thursday 26th July at. St Albans School,Woollam Playing Field, Harpenden Rd, St Albans, Herts AL3 6BZ.
10am for 10.30am start. Participating companies: Fleet (Line Markers) Ltd. BeamRider Ltd. Turner Groundscare, Sheriff Amenity and A T Bone Sport Solutions.

Everyone is welcome, however please call Fleet to register as they need to know for lunch figures.
Fleet (Line Markers ) Ltd 01684 573535