Pitchcare Magazine - Issue 116

In an industry where networking, sharing information and continuing to learn are key, in our cover article this issue we delve into how turf managers can help each other.
Historically, turf managers may have kept data, information and ideas close to their chest. But now, in a world of social media, information is shared more freely and groundspersons/greenkeepers are perhaps more willing to open up.
As Mark Hunt details in his regular column, it is an oft-quoted fact that for every 1°C increase in air temperature, air can hold 7% more moisture. As humidity is a measure of atmospheric moisture content, this also means an increased risk of disease. It’s a very interesting subject, so take a look at the article on page 44.
Focusing on disease this month, we also have a great article from Dr. Jonathan Knowles - Head of Sports Turf Academy at Leicester City Football Club - who tells us how Pythium diseases are a significant challenge in turf management. Pythium is a pervasive problem across the UK, affecting virtually all types of turf and going mostly unnoticed or misdiagnosed despite their widespread impact. Read the article on page 68.
Hybrid pitches are spearheading the next evolution in cricket and we have two in-depth articles - starting on page 46 with an opinion from Andy Mackay, England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) Pitches and Grounds Advisor. Andy reflects on its value for the groundsman and the maintenance regimes these new surfaces require; whilst the next article from SISGrass helps build an understanding of the technology’s background and conception.
Plus Top Tips, Wellbeing, Talking Turf and much more....