Pitchcare Magazine - Issue 114

Pitchcare Magazine - Issue 114

In this issue we delve into the benefits of drone technology in our cover article (page 8). As demand for precision, efficiency and sustainability continues to rise, as does the need for innovative solutions, drones are changing the turfcare industry landscape.

Plus an informative article on page 52 on Pest control using nematodes. Not only humans enjoy lawns and sports pitches. Crane flies (leatherjackets) and chafer grubs, relish them as well! A good reason why insect pathogenic nematodes effectively combat these major turf pests in a safe and natural way. 

Also in this issue we have our regular features including Top Tips - leadership and management (page 30), Wellbeing - no reward without risk (page 56) and Talking Turf - pest management (page 68).

Pitchcare Magazine - Issue 114


May 12, 2024

Drones: A sports turf evolution

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