When Covid comes calling
You continuously see the news, the stats and the daily figures for people who have lost their lives to this awful virus but, when Covid comes calling, it suddenly becomes very real!
This month has been particularly hard for me as both my mum and step-dad contracted the virus (as well as many other family members). They stick to the rules, they follow government guidance, but when one person got it - it spread like wildfire through my family. I live an hour away from home, but that would be irrelevant anyway, given there was nothing I could do to help. After many worrying days, tears and sleepless nights, they are over the worst - but no doubt with many weeks/months of recovery ahead of them. However, I am truly thankful, and I don't underestimate how lucky they have been.
I'm sure we all have our stories and personal accounts - with probably much worse outcomes than my experience, but it struck me how important it is to be understanding and compassionate with the people you work with and those in your teams. We don't know what personal struggles and experiences each and every one of them are going through or dealing with. We all have daily battles - no matter how big or small - and it's important to take each day as it comes. Something many of you do as a matter of course.
Testament to this saw January bring some of the most brutal weather conditions the country has seen, and it was no small task for groundsmen up and down the country to get games on. Lee Williams looks at some of the positive support and media coverage received on page 12.
As we go to press, the uncertainty of whether the National League football season will be scrapped is going to a vote. The worrying fate of clubs hangs in the balance, with the government confirming that funding to compensate for fans not being allowed in stadiums will come in the form of loans and not grants. If this is the case, it is difficult to see how the season could continue.
A question I have been asked a lot over the past couple of weeks, is whether our industry shows will go ahead this year. I wish I had a crystal ball - as do BIGGA and the GMA I suspect - but it's very difficult to say where we will be in a couple of months. For now, our new ways of doing business continues.
This all sounds pretty grim, but there is a glimmer of light with the vaccine rollout and we must try to stay positive.
Keep going and reach out if you're struggling.
Kerry Haywood